future of podcasting

The future of podcasting and radio with Ciarán Duffy

Ciarán Duffy is a writer, podcaster and teacher. He teaches a night course in podcasting and radio in Dun Laoghaire Further Education Institute in Dublin. He spoke to me about the course he teaches on and where he sees the future of podcasting and radio. 

A keen interest in media theory 

Ciarán has gained a number of qualifications in the media space including studying radio in Dun Laoghaire College of Further Education and studying in Maynooth University. He realised throughout his studies that he loves media theory and radio and podcasting. 

During his time in Maynooth he started a sports radio show with an accompanying blog and later expanded into podcasting (new season will be out soon). His blog mainly focuses on Irish mens and womens football (soccer). 

Ciarán got the opportunity to delve more into his interest in media theory when he was asked to teach a night course in podcasting and radio, with options for beginners and intermediate learners. The course focuses on presenting, technical skills like editing and media theory. Part of the theory is teaching the difference between radio and podcasting. 

One of the most significant differences he highlights is that radio is professional and formal, while podcasting is the “wild west”, where anyone can start with minimal barriers to entry. 

Radio isn’t going anywhere

future of podcasting

Some may say that radio is a dying industry, but Ciarán disagrees with that statement. Radio will definitely be challenged, especially music radio, but Ciarán believes that radio has some unique qualities that podcasting can never replace. Radio is live whereas podcasting usually isn’t. Listeners can communicate, call, and text. You can’t do that the same with a podcast.

Radio also has a regionalised element that podcasts don’t have. If you want to know why there is traffic by your house, or what is going on in your local area in real time you need radio. Radio offers the here and now, whereas podcasts add depth later on. 

Ciarán sees more crossover in the future of podcasting and radio. Presenters of a radio show might also have a podcast where they can be a bit less formal. Listeners can get to know them a bit better. 

If done right, radio and podcasts have the potential to help each other thrive. 

The future of podcasting is secure 

Ciarán believes that podcasting is here to stay. He notes that there has been an explosion of amateur media in recent years. There will be a never-ending stream of new podcasts, he thinks, but he believes that the cream will rise to the top, and well-polished, well-edited, and well-produced podcasts will stand out. 

Want your podcast to stand out? Contact us now to learn more about how we can help you do just that. 

Ciarán thinks the future of podcasting and radio will have more multi-media crossover, such as video podcasts, blogs and social media. 

He thinks that people will have a different relationship to podcasts than they do with radio. Where people will commonly say “stick on the radio” and listen to whatever is on, with podcasting people are loyal to specific podcasts. 

This shows the importance of building a trusted brand, rather than just having a good podcast. The first step in building a trusted brand is to know your audience. 

Podcasting as a marketing tool

Ciarán sees many opportunities in radio and podcasting. He believes that businesses will start to create more podcasts. Currently almost every business has a social media presence and he thinks podcasting will be the next step. 

In addition, Ciarán notes that businesses may take advantage of the podcasting market by creating podcasts that are more in line with their brand, culture, and values. He gives an example of a pizza chain creating a podcast about the top five things about pizza. 

In a different style there are opportunities for other types of businesses too. Ciarán mentions how there are several excellent law podcasts out there run by law firms.

Whatever the business might be, podcasts offer businesses the opportunity to build a relationship with their customers that is more intimate and trusting than if they had used other marketing methods. 

Ciarán sees radio stations embracing podcasting as an opportunity to expand their audience and reach new listeners. He suggests that radio stations could conduct a short interview on air and then follow up with a full-length version on their podcast. This would create more content for both the radio and podcast audiences, and potentially attract a wider range of listeners.

Brand loyalty will transfer into the podcast market, with people potentially being loyal to a podcast made by their favourite company, influencer or radio station. 

Ciarán believes that radio and podcasting are two distinct yet complementary industries. While podcasting is the “wild west” of audio, with fewer regulations and more opportunities for anyone to start their own show, radio remains a powerful force due to its live and local elements. Ciarán sees a future where these two industries will continue to merge and coexist, creating new opportunities for content creators and businesses alike.

Read next: How to write SEO-friendly podcast show notes

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