podcast social media strategy

The Ultimate 28-day Podcast Social Media Strategy

Social media is the most powerful free podcast promotion tool you have. With the right podcast social media plan you can get access to hundreds and even thousands of non-followers. Social media algorithms reward consistency, variety and quality content and the best way to provide this is with planning. A solid social strategy also helps you further strengthen and deepen your relationship with your current audience. 

What is a podcast social media strategy? 

A podcast social media strategy is essentially a plan for using social media platforms to promote and grow your podcast. 

The following strategy is a pretty good starting point which you can build out over time as you learn more about your audience and what works for them. 

  1. Create social media accounts: You might already have these but if not set up accounts on your chosen social media platforms. Choose wisely. Knowing your target audience is important here. Once you have identified your target audience find out which socials they hang out on and set up accounts on them. 
  2. Create shareable content: Create engaging content like sound bites, audiograms, posts and videos to share on your socials. This is what we’re going to work on today! 
  3. Build a community: Engage with your audience and build a community around the podcast by encouraging listeners to share their feedback, suggestions, and opinions.
  4. Be consistent: As I said above, the social media algorithms reward consistency. 
  5. Partner with other creators: Increase your reach and broaden your audience by partnering with other creators. Appear on their podcasts, do a ‘Live’ together, cross promote each other. I share some ideas in the 28 day podcast social media content plan below. 
  6. Track analytics: Regularly monitor and analyse social media analytics to understand the podcast’s performance on social media platforms and identify what is doing well and what could be better. 
  7. Engage with listeners: Engage with listeners by responding to comments and questions, conducting polls and surveys, doing Q&As etc. 

What kind of content should I post on my podcast social media? 

podcast social media strategy

Our 28-day podcast social media strategy contains a variety of different types of content such as:

  • audiograms
  • teasers and trailers
  • behind the scenes footage
  • personal content
  • graphics or infographics
  • requests for feedback
  • cross promotion. 


Audiograms are short audio clips from a podcast episode that are paired with a visual element, such as a waveform or an image. They give potential listeners a preview of the episode’s content. To create an audiogram, you can use tools like Canva or Wavve

Read more about boosting your podcast’s promotion with engaging podcast audiograms. 

Teasers and Trailers

Teasers and trailers are short video clips that promote an upcoming episode of a podcast. A teaser typically provides a brief overview of the episode’s content, while a trailer may be longer and include highlights from the episode. To create a teaser or trailer, you can use video editing tools like Canva, iMovie (on Apple devices) or YouCut mobile app.

Behind the Scenes Footage

Behind the scenes footage provides a glimpse into the process of creating a podcast episode. This can include footage of recording sessions, editing sessions or interactions between the host and guest. To create behind the scenes footage, you can use your phone or a camera to capture footage during the podcast production process.

Personal Content

Let your audience get to know you a little better, outside of the podcast. There are no rules here. Just share what you are comfortable with and what you think will help your audience get to know you better. 

Graphics or Infographics

Graphics or infographics are visual elements that help explain or illustrate concepts related to the podcast. They can be used to summarise key points from an episode, to provide additional information that may be of interest to listeners or to share a particularly poignant quote from the episode. To create graphics or infographics, you can use tools like Canva or Piktochart.

Requests for Feedback

Requests for feedback are calls to action that encourage listeners to share their thoughts or opinions on a podcast episode. Asking for feedback can help you understand what your audience likes and dislikes, and can help improve the podcast over time.

Cross Promotion

Cross promotion involves promoting other podcasts or content related to the podcast’s topic. This can help build relationships with other podcasters and introduce new listeners to the podcast. 

For a more in-depth look at these ideas check out the following blog post: 6 Ideas for Engaging Content on Your Podcast Social Media Platforms

The 28 day podcast social media strategy 

podcast social media strategy

Week 1

Day 1: Share a teaser or trailer for your upcoming episode, and let your audience know what they can expect.

Day 2: Post an audiogram that highlights a compelling moment from your latest episode, and include a call-to-action to listen to the full episode.

Day 3: Share a behind-the-scenes photo or video from the recording of your latest episode, and let your audience in on some of the creative process.

Day 4: Use an infographic to break down the key takeaways from your latest episode, making it easy for your audience to understand the main points.

Bonus content: Share some content from other podcasters or creators to your stories that offers more information on the points highlighted in your infographic. 

Day 5: Post an audiogram from your latest episode that showcases the most interesting topic or guest, and encourage your audience to listen to the full episode for more insights.

Day 6: Share a personal anecdote or story related to your podcast topic to help your audience connect with you on a deeper level.

Day 7: Promote your latest episode one more time with an audiogram, and encourage your audience to tune in if they haven’t already.

Week 2

Day 8: Share a teaser for your upcoming episode incorporating a personal anecdote and how this relates to this week’s episode topic. 

Day 9: Share a graphic or infographic that breaks down a complex topic from a recent episode in a more accessible way.

Day 10: Post an audiogram from your latest episode that showcases the most interesting topic or guest, and encourage your audience to listen to the full episode for more insights.

Day 11: Share some potential episode ideas as a post carousel or short video and ask your audience for their favourite. 

Bonus content: share these options as polls on your stories too. 

Day 12: Post a video snippet or an audiogram for your upcoming episode. 

Day 13: Share a behind-the-scenes photo or video of your editing process, and give your audience a glimpse into how you put together your episodes. You could use a snippet of your latest episode as a soundtrack for this. 

Day 14: Promote your latest episode with an audiogram, and encourage your audience to tune in if they haven’t already.

Week 3

Day 15: Share a personal anecdote or story about your podcasting journey so far. What have you learned from the process and how has it impacted your life?

Day 16: Share a teaser for your upcoming episode, and let your audience know what they can expect.

Day 17: Post an audiogram or video snippet of your latest episode.

Day 18: Share a graphic with a pull quote from your latest episode.You could include your guests photo or, if they have a business, their logo.   

Day 19: Post a video snippet or an audiogram for your upcoming episode. 

Day 20: Create a post dedicated to the podcasters and creators who inspired you to start and continue to inspire you and your content. 

Day 21: Promote your latest episode with an audiogram, and encourage your audience to tune in if they haven’t already.

Week 4

Day 22: Share a snippet from a recent episode in the form of an audiogram.

Day 23: Share a teaser for your upcoming episode, including some interesting stats and facts relating to the topic. 

Day 24: Share a behind-the-scenes clip of you setting up for a recording session, or share a photo of your podcasting equipment.

Day 25: Post a video clip or audiogram from a recent interview, and encourage your audience to listen to the full episode for more insights.

Day 26: Create and share a graphic or infographic that highlights interesting facts or statistics related to your podcast topic..

Day 27: Post a ‘day in the life’ video. 

Day 28: Promote your latest episode one more time with an audiogram, and encourage your audience to tune in if they haven’t already.

Podcast social media strategy key takeaways

  1. By incorporating a variety of content types and promoting your podcast consistently, you can grow your audience and connect with your listeners on social media. 
  2. Planning in advance allows you to do this more effectively and put more thought into your content. 
  3. Ensure to include lots of audiograms, video snippets and teasers with call to actions to listen to your podcast. 
  4. Use the other days to give your listeners a deeper understanding of the topic, your process and yourself. 
  5. Engage with your audience. Always reply to comments and messages. 
  6. Track your analytics to see how well each type of content does. 
  7. Remember that social media is just one piece of the puzzle. While it can be a powerful tool for promotion and audience building, ultimately, the success of a podcast will depend on the quality of the content. 

Haven’t gotten around to starting your podcast yet? Download my free guide and start your podcast TODAY! 

And as always, feel free to contact us with any questions or inquiries!

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