The Ultimate 28-day Podcast Social Media Strategy

podcast social media strategy

Social media is the most powerful free podcast promotion tool you have. With the right podcast social media plan you can get access to hundreds and even thousands of non-followers. Social media algorithms reward consistency, variety and quality content and the best way to provide this is with planning. A solid social strategy also helps […]

6 Ideas for Engaging Content on Your Podcast Social Media Platforms

podcast social media

What should I post on my podcast social media platforms? This is a question that has come up more than once from my podcast clients. We usually make a few audiograms for each episode but if you’re trying to grow your social media and posting close to daily you’ll want to mix it up with […]

How to Write SEO-Friendly Podcast Show Notes

SEO-Friendly Podcast Show Notes

You can have the best podcast in the world but if no one knows about you’ll never get to make the impact that you hope for. One way to get your podcast out there is to ensure every episode has SEO-friendly show notes. This way your podcast is more likely to show up in an […]

Identifying Your Target Audience for a Successful Podcast

identifying your target audience

The success of a podcast depends on many factors, but none more important than identifying and understanding your target audience. We spoke a bit about this in last week’s blog on starting a podcast but I believe it is so important it deserves its own post.  Why is this so important? Read our blog post […]

Why having a target podcast audience is key

target podcast audience

Podcasting is amazing (I might be biassed). We can share information, opinions, debates and conversations with the world. But who is listening? Does your podcast have a target audience?  For a podcast to be successful it is key to have a clear understanding of who your target audience is. This allows you to create relevant, […]