Benefits of having a branded podcast

8 benefits of having a branded podcast

Creating a branded podcast for your business is a powerful way to boost your brand. There are so many benefits of having a branded podcast which we will discuss in this blog post.

These benefits include forming a deeper and more meaningful connection with your audience, having the opportunity to control the narrative about your brand and to position yourself as a figure of authority in your niche. 

Benefits of having a branded podcast

If you are looking for a new way to build your personal brand, to expand your audience and to form relationships with clients read on. 

Connect with your audience

You want to make sure that your audience is valued. By creating a podcast which targets your niche, they are more likely to feel as though they are being spoken to directly by you. This helps build a connection with your audience and shows them that they are more than just a source of income.

By creating a podcast you are creating a community and in turn fostering trust in your personal brand.

Avail of analytics

Podcasting platforms provide you with plenty of information about your listeners, such as where in the world they are, their age, and how they are listening. Using this data, you will be able to learn about your market as they engage with you.

You’ll also be able to directly ask listeners what type of content they would like to hear in the podcast through your podcast social media channels. This not only helps you create valuable content for your audience, but also ensures that your audience feels heard and as though they are an essential part of the podcasting process, which, of course, they are. 

Position yourself as an authority on a topic

Podcasting is a great way to show what you know. Creating a podcast for your business will tell your customers that you are a master of your subject matter and that they can trust you.

Having guests on your podcast will also benefit your content greatly. Exceptional guests who really know their stuff will provide more value to your listeners while also increasing your authority in that area too.

Reach a new audience

Benefits of having a branded podcast

Podcasts have become significantly more popular over the last few years. As many as 46% of people in Ireland were listening to podcasts in Ireland last year with many more listeners around the world. And the audience for podcasts is expected to get even larger over the next few years.

By creating a branded podcast for your business you can reach the ever growing numbers of podcast listeners waiting to discover your business and become your customer. Make use of the popularity of podcasts and expose a new group of people to your personal brand.

Cut through the noise

We are marketed to in so many different ways that people become somewhat numb to it and may not respond to advertising. However, in podcasting they are learning about your brand from a different perspective. You are providing value first. Through listening to your podcast people will develop trust with the host and in time, the brand. You can improve your marketing through creating an SEO-friendly podcast.

Control your brand

Your business is just that, yours. By creating a podcast you can control the way your brand is perceived and received. You’ll be able to make decisions about who you interview, what your style is, and the theme of the podcast. Everything from jingles to segments is up to you. Having a podcast allows you to extend your brand in a unique  way that is entertaining and informative.

Listeners are interested

By creating a podcast for your brand, you can be confident in knowing that anybody who is listening is interested in what you have to say. Because your podcast is related to your brand, you will be able to directly target an audience that wants to associate with you.e. Starting a branded podcast will allow you to reach people who have a passion for the service you are providing!

You’ll enjoy it!

And as a bonus, doing a podcast is a lot of fun! From the recording to the post production, creating a podcast for your business can be a great team bonding exercise that brings those working with you closer and ensures everybody gets to use their talents and have their voice heard! Plus, you’ll make great connections through gathering a contact list of guests over the episodes you do.

How to create a successful branded podcast

If your personal branding is going to be attached to a podcast, you need to ensure your production is of high quality. Here are six steps to success. 



Audio quality

Benefits of having a branded podcast

What you are saying may be really interesting, but if the audience can’t hear it well then you’re not going to get too far! You want to make your podcast sound professional to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more and to show that you are a competent business worthy of their business. Get yourself a decent microphone to use with your laptop and ensure you have the podcast edited to industry standard. This can be done on any audio editing software, such as Adobe Audition or the free licence Audacity.


Think about what you are going to talk about over the next few episodes. Is every episode going to have a different guest or will it be the same people each time? How often are you going to upload episodes? Will it be one a week or will you upload multiple at once?

Read more about planning your podcast on the Creatively Contenting blog.

Relevant topics

It’s important you’re up to date with what your listeners want to hear and that you are speaking about subjects that are related to your area. Ask for listener feedback in your episodes and on your podcast social media channels. And draw inspiration from questions your audience asks or issues they are running into.

You should also keep up to date with industry news and updates to show you are in the know and have an ear to the ground. It also helps position you as the go-to source of info in your niche.

Good guests

Benefits of having a branded podcast

Some people are good talkers, some people are not! You want to find guests who have authority on their subject and know how to articulate themselves correctly.

Make sure to prepare your guests ahead of the interview by letting them know a brief outline of what you’d like to cover. We don’t recommend sending questions, however, as guests can use these to fully prepare an answer which might sound rehearsed or as if they are reading it off a page which comes across a bit dull.

You should also get your guest to warm up before the episode and even take some time to chat at first to build up the rapport and get your both a bit more warmed up.


Social media is a great way of getting the word out about your podcast and further developing the relationship you have built up with your listeners. You can use your socials to tease the next episode, share resources to support topics discussed on the show and to get feedback from your audience on what they would like to hear.

You should also use SEO to ensure your podcast gets to the right people. Make sure your podcast show notes contain a summary of what was discussed and the key points and resources.

Get some help

Here at Creatively Contenting we provide the services to help you create your branded podcast. See what we can do for you and book a free discovery call today. 

Final Thoughts

To ensure your business grows and reaches new customers you need a powerful marketing strategy, which is where branded podcasting comes in. Creating a branded podcast will boost your brand awareness and help you find a new audience, while also solidifying your relationship with your existing customers. You’ll be able to reach your target audience and grow your brand so that it meets its potential.

With so many benefits to having a podcast for your brand why wouldn’t you start one today.

Want to begin your journey? Creatively Contenting can help you out!


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Contact us for more information, or book a discovery call now!

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